Educational Resource Links

Health and Wellness:

Second Nature Care

Leader in alternative medicines. Naturopathic care and I.V. Therapies.

Lotus Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for women by women geared towards treatment of pelvic dysfunction


Skin and Wellness Spa

Wholeness Center

Healing spa


Estrogen Matters: Why Taking Hormones in Menopause Can Improve and Lengthen Women's Lives - Without Raising the Risk of Breast Cancer

Revised and updated edition written by Avrum Bluming, MD and Carol Tavris, PhD

The Menopause Society

Resource for menopausal women

MedlinePlus – Hormone Replacement Therapy

General information about hormone replacement therapy

MedlinePlus – Menopause

An online health information resource for patients

The Menopause Brain — Lisa Mosconi PhD

The Menopause Brain: New Science Empowers Women to Navigate the Pivotal Transition with Knowledge and Confidence

UpToDate - Menopausal Symptoms

Treatment of menopausal symptoms

Female Sexual Medicine:

Five Exercises for Easing Pain Prior to Vaginal Penetration by Dee Hartmann

Manual techniques aimed at easing chronic vulvar pain prior to internal assessment

International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH)

Remains committed to affirming and supporting the sexual rights of all people worldwide

Intimate Rose

Premier resource for dilators, pelvic wands, Kegel weights, lubricants and more.

MedlinePlus – Sexual Function in Women

Information about female sexual health topics

NAMS - Testosterone for Midlife Women

Patient handout about sexual health and testosterone for midlife women published by The North American Menopause Society

National Vulvodynia Association

Dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for women with chronic vulvar pain.


Premier educational resource for female sexual medicine

Reuters - Testosterone Improves Sexual Function in Older Women

Article about sexual health and testosterone increasing female sexual function published by Reuters

Baylor Medicine - Vestibulodynia

Pelvic pain

Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire

Acclaimed psychologist and sex researcher Dr. Lori Brotto, PhD shows how mindfulness is the key to cultivating desire, increasing sexual pleasure, and finding joy in intimacy.

Betty Dodson’s Anatomy of the Clitoris

Clitoris drawing [video]

Anatomy of the Clitoris

Another visual resource

BJOG - Rethinking Low Sexual Desire in Women

Research article covering low sexual desire in women published by the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Cannabis and Orgasm Study

A peer-reviewed journal article with scientific evidence that expands 50 years of research showing cannabis helps women with Female Orgasm Difficulty/Disorder

Cleveland Clinic: Clitoris

Information about anatomy and function

Cleveland Clinic: Low Testosterone in Women

Article about how testosterone can cause side effects like decreased sex drive, depression and weakness in women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB)

Cornell Health - Sensate Focus

Article about sensate focus which covers sensuality vs. sexuality

Devices and Products:


Quality lubricant for sexual health


New York Times best vibrators list


Orgasm enhancing cream

Intimate Rose

Premier resource for vaginal dilators, pelvic wands and kegel weights, etc.

SoulSource Dilators

Vaginal dilators, providing solutions for sexual health.


‘You Are Not Broken’ — Kelly Casperson, MD

Combining the power of mind-work, body-science and relationships, Kelly Casperson, MD breaks down the societal barriers that are keeping us from living our best intimate lives.